About UHN lab medicine

​The University Health Network’s Laboratory Medicine Program impacts nearly every patient that goes through Toronto General, Toronto Western, Toronto Rehab, and Princess Margaret Hospitals. Our clinical laboratory services provide physicians with the necessary information to effectively diagnose and treat patients, ultimately saving lives.

We are the largest hospital diagnostic lab in Canada and one of the largest academic labs in the world. We’ve approached pathology and clinical testing with an early adopter attitude, taking advantage of technological advancements and progressing with changes in global healthcare.

Complementing our facilities is over 525 committed staff, who provide the highest quality of services, making our program a continued success. We are always looking to expand, improve, and collaborate, and our four internal departments work together in achieving shared goals.

Our Mission is to advance laboratory science through research, education and exemplary service.

Our Vision is to be global leaders in laboratory medicine.

Our Values:

  • Providing the highest quality care for our patients, and enhancing the patient experience through dedicated practice.
  • Improving laboratory diagnostics throughout Canada and sharing our expertise.
  • Promoting continuous improvement in staff, and advocating regular training and education for new processes and systems.
  • Maintaining clear and consistent communication within our department and with our colleagues and patients.
  • Fostering meaningful laboratory reform that benefits all.



Health Care Professionals

Our laboratory medicine team totals more than 525 members, including our medical and scientific staff, Medical Laboratory Technologists, technicians, phlebotomists, pathologists’ assistants and more.

We also offer a wide range of services for health care professionals, including ad hoc reference testing, consultation services and service contracts. Our services are supported by the largest diagnostic lab in Canada, a leading-edge laboratory information system and a 24/7 call centre.

Learn more about health care professionals in the Laboratory Medicine Program.



As one of the largest academic laboratories in the world, we contribute many hours of teaching to University of Toronto undergraduate, graduate and fellowships, as well as to medical laboratory students at the Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences and University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

Learn more about education in the Laboratory Medicine Program.



All members of our team are involved with research projects, the development of new laboratory medicine tests and services and translating research into clinical practice.

Learn more about research and innovation in the Laboratory Medicine Program.​


Want to contact the editor of The Pathology Report?

Email: LMP.Communications@uhn.ca




2 thoughts on “About UHN lab medicine

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  1. Why is it that pathology has a difficult time attracting competent, high quality medical students to the field whereas radiology, a similar field, is exceptionally competitive? All of the top quality medical students that I tutor who would be great pathologists are using it as a backup, instead ranking radiology higher. This is simply disappointing.

    I think that to advance our field beyond being considered a commodity, we need to attract top talent. We are thus far failing in this regard. It’s probably a multifaceted issue involving lab avoidance, autopsy avoidance, future disruptive technologies, low prestige, and relatively low income to other similar alternatives.

    We also need to get ourselves into the boardrooms of medical school admissions committees and to the reimbursement negotiating tables if we want the field to provide the best possible diagnostic quality to patients. As it stands, I fear we are working at less than optimal capacity.

    1. I don’t know if I agree with Mr. Cobb. I know some very bright people who have chosen to go into pathology.

      And the Ontario Sunshine list would suggest Pathologists do very well, thank you… certainly better than my specialty.

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