CAP/ACP awards LMP’s Martin Grealish with the Lloyd A. Kennedy Pathologists’ Assistant Award

  Congratulations to Martin Grealish, LMP Pathologists' Assistant (PA) for being awarded the Canadian Association of Pathologists' 2017 Lloyd A. Kennedy Pathologists' Assistant Award for his outstanding contributions to professional development within the laboratory medicine community. Most in LMP will know this award is very well deserved due to Martin's involvement in local continuing education as well as... Continue Reading →

LMP and CSMLS partner in new video series showcasing what goes on “In the Lab”

In preparation for this year’s National Med Lab Week, taking place April 16-22, UHN’s Laboratory Medicine Program and the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science have come together to launch three videos detailing prominent laboratory tests. The videos bring our audience into the labs at Toronto General Hospital and allow them to follow UHN Medical... Continue Reading →

LMP Chief of Biochemistry receives AACC education award

Congratulations to Dr. Eleftherios Diamandis, Chief of Biochemistry, LMP for receiving the 2017 American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) award for Outstanding Contributions to Education. The award recognizes excellence in education and is given to individuals who have devoted a major portion of their professional life to enhancing the practice and profession of clinical chemistry through... Continue Reading →

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