Announcing Megan Jensen as Senior MLT

We are pleased to announce that Megan Jensen is the successful candidate for the Senior MLT position.  With a diversity of experiences and strengths as well as a warm and welcoming personality, Megan will be an immediate asset in her new role.  Megan has worked ay UHN in the Genome Diagnostic lab since 2006 and... Continue Reading →

Biochemistry track automation go-live

On June 9, 2021, the UHN Core Laboratory went live with its Abbott a3600 Track. The new routine chemistry and immunoassay automation line includes a bulk input module, input/output module, three centrifuges, two specimen storage and retrieval units, decapper, de-sealer and sealer modules. This milestone was the final part of the Core Lab Refresh project,... Continue Reading →

Welcoming Alex Anabusi to the Genome Diagnostics Lab

The Genome Diagnostic lab is happy to welcome Alex Anabusi who started on June 9, 2021. Alex is a CMLTO certified Genetics Technologist with over 10 years of experience working in clinical genetic lab settings.  Most recently, Alex demonstrated his diverse skill set while at the Advanced Molecular Diagnostic Lab at Princess Margaret Hospital, performing... Continue Reading →

Dr. Michael Laflamme appointed as Lead of the LMP Research Committee

Following a competitive search, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Michael Laflamme has been appointed as the Lead of the LMP Research Committee. Michael received Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Emory University, GA, U.S.A, in 1999 and 1998, respectively. Michael completed his residency in anatomic pathology and fellowship in cardiovascular... Continue Reading →

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